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Top Tweets! 10 twitter tips for your ASOS Marketplace listings.

Friday, 10 August 2012
Natalie Wall is putting the glam back into geek one tweet at a time. With over 10 years retail experience for some of the UK’s biggest brands including Tesco, Topshop and ASOS and currently flexing her online editorial muscle over at Cosmopolitan and Le Blow, she certainly knows her SEO from her  SMO; her CMS from her CRM, and her Burberry from her Mulberry - so she's perfectly placed to help guide you through her top twitter tips. 

Tweet Cheat sheet - Top 10 Twitter Tips!
Twitter is big. HUGE. With over 140 million active users and 340 million Tweets per day, you’d be cray cray not to harness the power of the big blue bird.

Here’s how to avoid being a Twit with a handy Tweet Cheat Sheet highlighting best practices for publishing engaging content on the social media platform that’s taken the world by storm. Tweet tweet!

1. Do Have Personality 
If I could only give you one single Twitter commandment, it’d be this one: don’t be boring on Twitter. People don’t want to follow a dull-as-dishwater feed of dry deals.

Your followers are likely to retweet your tweet if it has helped or informed them somehow – from being the first to know about your new lines, through to breaking celebrity goss, a funny video or an informative blog post on a relevant topic.

It’ll also help to firmly put you and your brand on their radar, and some of them will become new customers. Show the face behind your brand and inject a lil’ personality to stand out from the corporate clones.

2. Do Tweet At The Right Times
Sounds obvious, eh? But you’d be surprised at how easy it is to fire off tweets randomly into the virtual abyss if you’re getting your timings wrong.

Tweet by day, during ‘busy hours’ (8am-7pm) and get 30% more engagement – plus, don’t forget weekends too (when more corporate brands tend to switch off) and make the space your own.

Use tools like Tweroid and Socialbro and amp up your activity during the most popular times to get more replies and retweets.

3. Do Be Brief
Mantra: Keep it short, sweet, and watch people Tweet. Yea boi.
Use less than 100 characters per tweet – they receive 17% higher engagement than longer posts.
In fact, 65 characters is the perfect size, leaving enough space for your followers to prefix your tweet with their own comments, which people love to do.

4. Do Get Involved
It’s not all about you, y’know. It’s important to be an active member of Twitter and not just blast out sales messages. Share other people’s content – cool links relevant to your industry or tweets from influencers who might notice you and maybe return the favour. Ohaaaai, @KarlLagerfeld!

Use questions to encourage debate and cultivate relationships. Reply to people, encourage conversation – and demonstrate good customer care by responding to all mentions of your brand name (use Twitter Search to see what people are saying about you, even if they haven’t @mentioned you).

5. Do Link To Stuff 
On average, tweets that contain links receive 86% higher RT rates than tweets with no links. Blimes!
That means tweets with links not only drive shed loads of traffic to your site, but they also amplify your brand messages organically, like a bloody big megaphone. Nifty.
But make sure you leave a space before the URL so it’s clickable, yeah?

6. Don't Overuse Hashtags 
They’re the Twitter equivalent of overusing exclamation marks!!! And can just look like you’re very excitable!!! And a bit naff!!! #awkward
Seriously, using more than two hashtags per tweet actually leads to a 17% drop in engagement so use them sparingly or risk losing followers in droves.

7. Don't Tweet Too Much
FACT: there’s an inverse relationship between daily tweet frequency and engagement. So the more you Tweet per day, the less engaging your Tweets become.
It’s like any other marketing tool, if you overdo it your audience will soon switch off. Don’t ever just tweet for the sake of it.

8. Don't Repeat Yourself (Repeat Yourself) 
That is, if you've got an offer or a new launch you want to shout about, don’t repeat the same message every 10 minutes, that’s just annoying.

Find different ways to say the same thing or inject a bit of personality into it. However, if you’re an international brand (ooh, get you), it might make sense to share content more than once – just leave eight hours between repeat tweets to hit different timezones.

9. Don't Shot Gun 
It’s about space, man. Don’t tweet in rapid quick fire succession; it’ll turn off even your most die-hard followers. There’s a great app called Buffer which cleverly spreads out your tweets throughout the day at peak times.

10. Don't Sing Your Own Praises
Companies retweeting every piece of positive customer feedback they've ever received, ever ain’t a good look. Cease and desist. Same goes for RTing your #FF mentions. Or asking for RTs. Or counting your followers out loud. Don’t. Play it cool like a snowman’s undercrackers instead and reap the Twitter rewards

Thanks Nat! Or should we say @Cosmo_Nat - follow her on twitter here, and visit her other homes, and LeBlow while you're at it. 



