Seller Blog

Advice, help and support for ASOS Marketplace sellers.

Image Sizing

Friday, 23 January 2015

The maximum dimensions for product images on Marketplace are 870x1262 pixels. We’d recommend you try to get your product images as close to this size as possible to ensure they always look amazing wherever they appear on site, and here’s why:

It creates a better shopping experience for customers
Some customers prefer to take a closer look at a product before they make a purchase. If your images aren't big enough the zoom function becomes redundant and this may prevent you from making a sale. Showing as much detail as possible in your images is just as important as packing loads of information in your product description. Fill that white space!

The editorial team are more likely to feature your products in content
Certain features, like slots on the Marketplace newsletters, homepages, Instagram and the ASOS Facebook page, require bigger images in order to look great. Small images lose quality and tend to look pixelated in features, so we always avoid using them.

If you need a hand with optimising your images for Marketplace or have any other questions, please check out our photography guide or drop your account manager an email.



