Seller Blog

Advice, help and support for ASOS Marketplace sellers.

Get yourself on Google+

Tuesday, 07 August 2012
It wasn’t a big surprise when Google dived into the social media market last year with the long awaited Google+. G+ is gaining users pretty quickly at this point, and whilst it can seem a bit overwhelming to get up and running , using G+ comes with some pretty hefty advantages.

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Facebook: The best way to use the ‘Book for your brand

Monday, 06 August 2012
I think it’s fair to say that Facebook plays a key role in most of our lives. Did you know that a whopping 28% of us check the Social networking giant before we've even stepped out of bed? Yes, *hands up* I’m one of those people... and I'm not ashamed to admit it...can we blame it on the job title?

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Get on the Front Page: 5 tips for getting your listings featured.

Monday, 06 August 2012
One of the questions I get asked most frequently by sellers is ‘how do I get on the front page?', so I wanted to write a post to help answer some of your questions about how we decide what to put on the homepages & in trend lists.

Firstly, it’s really worth stressing that whilst being featured around the site is great for traffic to your listings, it’s by no means essential for your success on Marketplace. That said, many of the things we look for when deciding who to feature can help improve your listings overall, so here’s my run down of the top 5 things to be thinking about.

1. Photos. 
Hardly a surprise that this is No.1, is it?  There are now over 100,000 live listings on ASOS Marketplace, and the photos keep getting better and better. As a fashion site, we’re always going to be after the cream of the crop for our front pages, but that’s not to say you need to have had a professional photographer take your pics.

We’ve featured thousands of images taken with basic point and shoot cameras, rather than big cheese SLR’s, so having a whizzy camera isn’t essential either. The No.1 thing you can do to improve your photos is focus on the lighting in your shot. As you know, photos on ASOS Marketplace can’t be taken at night or with a flash, so as you are already shooting in natural daylight, make the most of it! The best photos are always well lit & bright. Not only does this improve the overall image, but it helps show off the detail of your items – which means potential customers can see exactly what they are buying (which in turn will lower your returns rate). Liya from StateofSunday.Com did us a great post on how to shoot in different scenarios, and it's got plenty of tips for to get your lighting right too. 

Want some inspiration? Goldie boutique have their street style down. They take their photos on the streets of East London, and Michelle, the owner of Goldie boutique models all the clothes herself.

Want to recreate their style of shooting? Street Style photographer Michelle Bobb-Parris wrote us an amazing step by step post on how exactly to achieve ‘that blurry background’.

After some heartfelt pleas from some freezing sellers, we changed our Photo Guidelines last year to allow you to also take your photos inside – but the natural daylight rule still applies. A great example of a seller that shoots great well lit photos, inside and with a non-flashy camera is Girl Stole Vintage.

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Fix your photos! How to shoot street style in different scenarios.

Friday, 03 August 2012
Always remember that the general purpose of shooting street style is to show off the clothes and the accessories. Street style photography is more of a trend watching and trend catching tool rather than simply documenting well dressed people. It is therefore of great importance to communicate to your audience not just the concept (I.e. the outfit) but also the details, such as colours, fabrics, textures. This is a rule you should apply to your listings too - remember that your customers can't feel the clothes, so you've got to show off the finer details. Here are my tips for how to shoot in different scenarios & how best to show off specific pieces of clothing.

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Getting That Blurry Background: how to take better photos for your ASOS Marketplace listings.

Thursday, 02 August 2012

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Welcome to Seller Summer School!

Wednesday, 01 August 2012
Notebooks out everyone, because Seller Summer School is a GO!

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