Seller Blog

Advice, help and support for ASOS Marketplace sellers.

Imagery: how to keep it real

Thursday, 30 July 2015

From an editorial perspective we most definitely love your outdoor photography, but when the skies are grey and rain is looming, we understand that you may have to seek alternatives and take things indoors from time to time. We all know that having to deal with mid-shoot downpours and frost bitten models is never fun!

Taking this into account we’ve clarified some of the Marketplace photography guidelines, as the line between shooting indoors and shooting in a studio is becoming increasingly hazy.

Imagery is a crucial part of successfully selling online. We’re all about celebrating our boutique’s “real photography” - we love seeing what your brand is all about via your shoots and it’s what sets us apart visually as a platform. Your images should showcase your product in the best way possible (you are trying to make sales, after all!) and, whether you’re shooting indoors or outdoors, your photography should look as natural as possible, be free from harsh lighting and not be over-edited.

Unique imagery which showcases brand identity is what Marketplace is about; however we understand some boutiques prefer using professional backdrops as location shoots are tricky when you have large quantities of stock, so we’ve outlined some dos and don’ts to ensure your indoor location is Marketplace friendly:

We need to see a break in the wall and floor so the model doesn’t look like they are floating
The floor shouldn’t be the same colour/texture as the wall
Including props or decoration will give your shots character and will help make them easily recognisable – while you’re building a brand, having a recognisable identity is crucial
Textured walls or floors add a little interest without being a distraction
Full length shots in your listings are a sure fire way to keep it “real” with your location
The backdrop should be clean and crease free
Sheets/ pieces of fabric don’t make a good backdrop, and increasing the brightness to remove creases and imperfections won’t do you any favours either.

If you choose to shoot in front of a white background then do so with caution – if your imagery gives the suggestion of studio photography then you will not be featured in and around the site and you could even have your images suspended by our eagle-eyed Fashion Police.

Products sold online need to be shown as true to life as possible.  Natural light ensures customers see the real deal before purchasing and avoids disputes later on in the event that the item isn’t what they expected:

Choose an indoor location with a great source of natural daylight. In situations where there is some natural light but not quite enough to shoot without a flash try using a reflector as an alternative
Try and work with your source of natural light to the front or diagonally in front of the model; lighting from the side can cause shadows which may look super arty but will obscure your product
We don’t allow harsh studio lighting but we understand that a little artificial light may occasionally be needed to brighten colours and fill in shadows.  However, any lighting must be soft, look natural and be sympathetic to our rules on photography. We know our stuff and if we spy any sharp shadows or bleached out backdrops then our Fashion Police will be onto you
If your indoor images turn out looking a bit flat then we recommend editing your images to make them bolder and brighter. Don’t go OTT on the editing though – too much PhotoShop or work in post-production can make your shots look artificial and also goes against our real photography mantra.

If you’re unsure of the Marketplace photography guidelines at any point, get in touch with your account manager or drop an email to  Do this before you snap your collections to avoid reshooting!



